(CRiTERIA) Comprehensive data-driven Risk and Threat Assessment Methods for the Early and Reliable Identification, Validation and Analysis of migration-related risks

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 101021866
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1/09/2021
The project official website

The borders of the European Union are constantly subject to multiple challenges, from rising waves of illegal migration, to human trafficking, and threats to public health. In recent months, in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown new and serious threats to border security across Europe, leading to extend controls to the health sphere, to sudden and unexpected closures of internal borders within EU countries or to introducing new tools to manage the vulnerability of border security personnel to COVID-19 infection.

This situation indicates that contemporary challenges to border security are complex and interlinked, requiring increased cross-sectoral, transdisciplinary and transnational cooperation at all stages of risk management, both at EU and Member State level. This is a situation that current risk analysis models, such as those used by mandated agencies, such as CIRAM (Common Integrated Risk Analysis Model) and vulnerability assessment frameworks, seem to fail to fully capture and analyse.

In this framework, the aim of the CRiTERIA project is to contribute to the definition of a new risk and vulnerability analysis framework, comprehensive and human rights sensitive, but applicable for border agencies. A framework that supports a new ‘multi-perspective’ risk and vulnerability analysis methodology, which makes use of ‘multisource’ and ‘multilingual’ technologies and analysis tools to serve the complex indicators of the methodology and to make them accessible in a verifiable and understandable way.

In such a framework, the goal of the CRiTERIA project is contributing to develop a novel, comprehensive but feasible and human-rights sensitive risk and vulnerability analysis framework for border agencies, which backs a novel multi-perspective risk and vulnerability analysis methodology with multi-source, multi-lingual analysis technologies and tools for serving the complex indicators of the methodology and for making them accessible, verifiable, and understandable).

In order to achieve this aim, the CRiTERIA Project was organised into 9 work packages, divided into 4 tracks. The first track (Fundamental Track) will deal with the general approach of the activities. The second track (Methodology Track) will focus on the development of the extended risk analysis methodology, while the third track (Technology Track) will concentrate on the development of technologies to support the identification and analysis of migration risks, as well as the integration of these technologies into the “CRiTERIA System”. Finally, the fourth track (Impact Track) will work on the validation of the methods and tools developed through pilot activities and on the dissemination and exploitation of the obtained results.
The project will be carried out by a consortium of 15 European partners coordinated by the Leibniz University of Hannover.


The report on the factors influencing social acceptance of new threat and risk analysis methodologies and cross-media technologies based on artificial intelligence applied to migration, edited by K&I, was finalised in December 2024. The report is the result of a multi-stage research process, including an extensive literature review, a series of in-depthinterviews with experts and stakeholders, and three focus groups on some of the more controversial aspects of risk analysis in the context of migration. The report presents a Model of the factors influencing social acceptance and describes its validation process. It then focuses on the underlying issues that influence ...
On 15 and 16 November 2023, the annual CRiTERIA meeting took place in Tallinn, Estonia, hosted by the Estonian Police and Border Guard (EPBG), one of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the project, analyse all its components and anticipate possible obstacles and bottlenecks. During the meeting, Fabio Feudo on behalf of K&I presented the first results of the social acceptance focus groups conducted under WP4. As part of the meeting, an Experimental Lab was organised to test some of the tools developed in the CRiTERIA project ...
Between September and November 2023, three online focus groups were conducted with the participation of 13 experts and stakeholder representatives. The objective of the focus groups was to analyse five controversial issues that strongly influence the social acceptance of new threat and risk methodologies and artificial intelligence-based cross-media technologies applied to migration. The discussion of these controversial issues, identified through a second-tier analysis of the interviews conducted in the previous phase of the task, revealed general attention and even a clear demand for new analytical tools, together with a cautious attitude leading to a gradual adoption strategy of the new ...
Three focus groups are in preparation to go in depth into the most controversial issues related to the social acceptance of the technological and methodological solutions developed by the CRiTERIA project. The focus groups will be held in September, October, and November 2023 and will be based on the results of the consultation of 26 representatives of NGOs, media practitioners, officers of national and international organisations and representatives of border authorities carried out by K&I under Task 4.5 of the project. The consultation was completed in March 2023 ...
On the 9-10th of May 2023, CRiTERIA organized the conference “Uncovering Vulnerability in Migration and Human Trafficking” which was held in Fort Saint Elmo in Valetta, Malta. The event provided a platform for in-depth exchange and discussions of novel and effective ways to recognize and respond to vulnerabilities of migrants and victims of human trafficking to further enhance current policies and humanitarian actions while leveraging technology to uphold human rights. Stakeholders from 30 organizations including research, policy-makers and representatives of international organisations, civil society entities and NGOs working in the field of migration and human trafficking extensively participated in the ...
The third CRiTERIA Project Meeting was held in Martigny (Switzerland) on January 18 and 19, 2023, hosted by the Idiap Research Institute. The meeting allowed the project partners to assess the project advancements and plan future actions. In addition to the presentations of the different WPs, three group workshops have been organised respectively devoted to the organisation of the CRiTERIA Dashboard (allowing users to access the CRiTERIA technological platform), the risk analysis model and methodologies developed under the project, and the cross-media technologies and data sets adopted by CRiTERIA. Luciano d'Andrea, head of the K&I team, attended the meeting, and ...
The consultation started in July 2022 under Task 4.5 of the CRiTERIA project is going on. The consultation is aimed at getting the opinion of experts and stakeholders about the social acceptance of the technological and methodological solutions developed by the project to improve the approaches to risk analysis related to migration adopted by law enforcement agencies and international organisations. Between July and November, around 20 interviews have been conducted or set with representatives of NGOs, media practitioners, officers of national and international organisations and representatives of border authorities. The consultation is planned to be ended by February 2023 ...
The expert consultation phase on the social acceptance of solutions proposed by the CRiTERIA project began in July 2022. The consultation, carried out under Task 4.5 by K&I, aims to gather the opinion of experts and stakeholders about the relevance of 10 factors that can potentially influence the social acceptance of the technologies and risk analysis methodologies implemented by the project. The factors were identified through an extensive literature review that led to the definition of a model on social acceptance. The consultation will also allow to single out technological, organizational and communication solutions that can increase the chances of ...
Hosted by the University of Groningen, the second CRiTERIA Project Meeting was held on July 7 and 8, 2022. During the meeting, the activities carried out under the project has been presented and discussed. The first day was devoted to the so-called “Foundations track” of the project, concerning the demand for CRiTERIA technologies and methodologies by border authorities and the ethical and social aspects related to them, as well as to the “Methodology track”, focused on the development of new risk and vulnerability analysis methodologies. On the second day, the focus was on the “Technological track”, related to the development ...
CRiTERIA organised a hybrid workshop on “Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of Open-Source Information and Emerging Technologies in the Field of Migration“, held in Vienna on the 5 and 6 of May, 2022, at the Austrian National Defence Academy (LVAk). The event included two keynote speeches, by Tanita Cotarcea (IOM Romania), and Judith Kohlenberger (Vienna University of Economics and Business), and six thematic sessions, each one devoted to different issues, such as risk analysis methodologies, human rights and open-source intelligence for humanitarian action, and the contribution of automated cross-media analysis in managing migration. Luciano d’Andrea (K&I) attended the event. The ...
The first Project Meeting of the CRiTERIA project took place online on April 13 and 14, 2022. The event was devoted to making a presentation of the activities carried out and discussing the future steps of the project. The meeting was structured according to the main components of the project. The first session dealt with the analysis of the demand of new technologies and methodologies by border control units and policymakers as well as the legal, ethical, and social aspects of the new CRiTERIA solutions (Foundations Track). The second session was devoted to the methodological aspects of risk and vulnerability ...
On February 2022 a study started up on factors potentially affecting social acceptance of risk and threat analysis methodologies applied to international migration. Four main areas are investigated: the border control policies and practices; the protection of human rights in the management of migration; the role, benefits, and critical issues related to risk analysis methodologies; the social acceptance of the technologies used to support risk analysis, with special reference to those CRiTERIA is intended to develop. The first months of activity were devoted to carrying out a literature review to identify the main problematic issues related to the use of ...
The CRiTERIA project has launched its dedicated website, accessible here. The website is the key information point for anything concerning the progress of the CRiTERIA and will allow direct access to the main scientific products that will be elaborated under the project. The website was developed under Work Package 9, devoted to the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities, led by HENSOLDT Analytics ...
The Kick-Off Meeting the CRiTERIA project was held online on 14 and 15 October 2021. After a general presentation of the project by the coordinator, Claudia Niederée (University of Hannover), the objectives and activities of each of them were presented by the work package leader and the most important task leaders. On behalf of K&I, he meeting was attended by Luciano d'Andrea, Paolo Signore, and Alfonso Alfonsi. During the meeting, Luciano d'Andrea presented task 4.5, dedicated to the social acceptance of the methods and technologies that will be produced within the project. The Kick-off Meeting was attended by Ignacio Montiel, ...