The first Project Meeting of the CRiTERIA project took place online on April 13 and 14, 2022. The event was devoted to making a presentation of the activities carried out and discussing the future steps of the project. The meeting was structured according to the main components of the project. The first session dealt with the analysis of the demand of new technologies and methodologies by border control units and policymakers as well as the legal, ethical, and social aspects of the new CRiTERIA solutions (Foundations Track). The second session was devoted to the methodological aspects of risk and vulnerability analysis (Methodology Track). The third session focused on the construction of the technological platform supporting the risk and vulnerability analysis (Technological Track). Finally, the fourth session concerned the communication, dissemination, and exploitation of the project results and the management of the project (Impact Track). The K&I team, made up of Luciano d’Andrea, Alfonso Alfonsi, and Paolo Signore, gave an account of the activities carried out under Task 4.5, aimed at identifying the factors potentially influencing the social acceptance of the new methodologies and technologies developed by CRiTERIA.