In the framework of the SSH CENTRE Project WP3, led by K&I, an online course on Knowledge Brokerage was held from 20 to 24 November 2023 for 30 PhD and Early to Mid-Career Researchers working in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). The course was focused on...
In July 2023, the selection process for participants in the Knowledge Brokerage programme, implemented within the framework of SSH CENTRE, was concluded. Overall, 185 applications have been received between 20 April and 3 July, i.e., the period in which the Call for...
In April 2023, a toolbox containing a set of Information Sheets on engagement methods was developed and delivered as a part of WP1 (Scoping) of the SSH CENTRE project. The aim of the sheets is to illustrate 12 diverse participatory methods with tangible best practice...
As part of the SSH CENTRE project (WP1), ten Literature Briefs have been produced in April 2023 with the aim of capturing as many topics which are at the core of present EU policies. These literature briefs each provide an overview of the topic in focus and are...
Two workshops have been organised under the SSH CENTRE project WP1, respectively in Bilbao (Spain) and Pecs (Hungary). The workshop in Bilbao, titled “Southern Voices on Research Geographies” was held on 17 March 2023, co-hosted by The Basque Centre for Climate...
On January 26, 2023, the Policy Insight event “Co-creating the shift to clean mobility” was held in Brussels hosted by Friends of Europe. The event marked the official launch of the SSH CENTRE Project. Three speakers participated in the event: Cathy Macharis (Vrije...