RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciences (RESBIOS)

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 872146
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1/01/2020
The project official website

RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciences (RESBIOS) project aims to embed the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach within four research organizations, from four European countries (Croatia, Greece, Spain, Ukraine). To this aim, a set of RRI grounding actions will be developed for making the concerned research institutions more porous to the input of society. The project is focused on the bioscience sector, which is one of the crossroads in the relations between science and society and under intense processes of change, and involves 12 partners, from 11 European countries, coordinated by the University of Rome Tor Vergata

One of the key aspects of the project is the development of a learning environment on RRI and institutional change. In this regard, some of the project partners have already been implementing RRI action plans in their institutions leading to structural change. Such partners will take on the role of “mentors”. As experienced organisations they will provide advice, examples, and support to “beginner” partners. Moreover, the project will develop an international network of responsible bioscience with the aim of creating a space for synergies and learning that can last beyond the end of the project.

Within RESBIOS, besides participating in all work packages, K&I is responsible for the Co-design of the grounding actions, a process aimed at defining the detailed plans of the actions on RRI through dialogue with stakeholders. K&I has also a role in the activities for supporting institutional change as well as in mutual learning and evaluation activities.


Under the ResBios Project, in November 2022, the Manifesto has been published focused on the transformation of science-society relations. The Manifesto was drafted by Wiebe Bijker (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and ResBios advisor), Luciano d’Andrea (Knowledge & Innovation), and Daniele Mezzana (University of Rome Tor Vergata) in cooperation with the project consortium members and advisors. The Manifesto describes the deep changes that have been affecting science and innovation for the last decades, with special reference to biosciences, characterised by increasing competition on a global scale and progressive diversification of the relations between science and society. These trends, while ...
At the ResBios final conference on December 7th in Bruxelles, the consortium announced the launch of the International Network for Responsible Biosciences (INRB). The network aims to build upon the success of the ResBios project and to create a community of researchers, project coordinators, science communicators etc., interested in promoting responsible practice in the biosciences, through mutual learning and knowledge sharing. The ResBios consortium will act as the core team for this network and will provide the framework for many of the earlier training materials, events and communications. Being part of the members will give you access to our database ...
December 7, 2022, Rue Montoyer, 24 - 1000 Brussels (hybrid event) At the inception of ResBios in January of 2020, the project coordinators talked about how the fields of biosciences are a major crossroads, where science and society meet. But then who was to know how true this statement would become? Over the past three years, the world has had to face a multitude of challenges, and at the centre of many of them were the biosciences, and with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued impact of other “wicked problems”, such as climate change, food security and ...
The relationship between the Responsible Research & Innovation approach and that of Citizen Science was the focus of the webinar jointly organized, on March 28, 2022, by the ResBios and Step Change projects. The issues discussed were how these approaches intertwine, how can the practices inspired by them improve research in the field of biosciences and what is the added value of engaging citizens in this specific disciplinary research field. The following took part: René von Schomberg (the Kate Hamburger Kolleg); Daniele Mezzana (project manager at ResBios Coordination team − University of Rome Tor Vergata); Buzan (ResBios Project and StepChange ...
Knowledge and Innovation, since December 2021, under the leadership of the University of Tor Vergata, has begun its assistance activity to the implementation of the Support and Sustainability Plans (SSP) being carried out within the RESBIOS project. The assistance includes, among other things, also the monitoring of SSPs, which began in February 2022. The SSPs aim to consolidate and make sustainable the RRI-oriented Grounding Actions conducted by the Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), the Institute of Sea Sciences of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Zagreb (Croatia), and the Ivan Franco National University of Lviv (Ukraine) ...
On November 24 and 25, 2021, the second Mutual Learning Workshop of the RESBIOS project was held in Barcelona at the ICM-CSIC. During the Mutual Learning session were presented to the members of the consortium the Sustainability and Support Plans (SSP) developed by the partners implementing the Grounding Actions to consolidate and make sustainable the changes promoted during the activities. The SSPs were developed through a process that began in June 2021 with technical support from K&I. This process involved intensive exchange with the teams that are implementing the Grounding Actions and included in-depth interviews and co-design sessions. The meetings ...
The implementation of the 15 Grounding Actions (GAs), foreseen by the RESBIOS project, began in November 2020. The GAs are implemented by 4 Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) that are engaged for the first time in RRI-oriented actions and, for this reason, referred to as “beginners”.An intense activity during the first 8 months of the project preceded the implementation phase. It was carried out by the “beginners” with the support of K&I and it was aimed at developing the detailed design of the GAs. Many exchanges took place during this phase (both within the project and through a dialogue with the ...
The first project meeting of RESBIOS was held on 23 and 24 January 2020 in Villa Mondragone (Monte Porzio Catone, Italy). The meeting was organised by the University of Rome Tor Vergata that coordinates the project, and representatives of all the project partners attended the meeting. In its introductory speech Vittorio Colizzi, the Project Coordinator (University of Rome Tor Vergata), stressed the role of Responsible Research and Innovation as a useful tool for the governance of the ongoing processes of changes investing research organisations. The participants were also welcomed by Michele Scardi, Deputy Director of the Dept. of Biology of ...