The Kick-Off Meeting of the Fairville project was held on February 23, 2023 at the University of Nanterre. After a general presentation of the project, and some remarks onEuropean Union expectations and recommendations, the attention was first focused on the presentation of the Fairville Labs (in France, Greece, Egypt, United Kingdom, Romania, Germany, Senegal, Belgium), then on the data collection for inequalities’ impact analysis (WP1, led by K&I), the Theoretical framework for the project (WP2), the Fairville Labs/Co-production pilots (WP3), the Co-assessing Fairville labs (WP4), the Scaling of co-production practices in, to and beyond the city (WP5), the Coordination and management activities (WP6). Alfonso Alfonsi and Gabriele Quinti participated the event on behalf of K&I.