The main objective of this workshop was to strengthen the capacities of national actors in Caribbean countries on gender mainstreaming in ‘end-to-end’ early warning systems for flood forecasting and integrated flood risk management (E2E-EWS-FF and IFRM). The workshop, which took place in Antigua from 20-23 September 2022, was attended by over 30 participants representing the following countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, Dominica, British Virgin Islands and Anguilla. Participants included officials from meteorological and hydrological offices, disaster management offices, local gender experts, and community volunteers. The entire workshop was designed and conducted by the WMO and K&I with support from the NODS. The main contribution from K&I was the Claudia Colonnello’s presentation on key relevant concepts related to Gender mainstreaming and intersectionality in light of their application in disaster/flood management and E2E-EWS. Gabriele Quinti gave two presentations. The first was on the Monitoring and Evaluation of E2E-EWS-FF and Integrated Flood and Risk Management from a gender perspective. The second covered relevant instruments, international and regional commitments and funding on gender mainstreaming in natural risk management.