On 7 and 8 April 2021, the RESISTIRÉ (Reducing gendered inequalities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic) project held an online Kick-off meeting organised by ESF. Project partners from France, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, Turkey, Czech Republic, and Ireland met for the first time and discussed their contributions and how they will work together.
Jeanne Lenders, Project Manager at the EC’s Research Executive Agency, gave a presentation to provide a summary of the Commission’s approach to the various COVID projects that were recently funded, their expectations, and recent developments on these issues. Following this, a summary of RESISTIRÉ was presented by Sofia Strid, the project’s scientific coordinator, to set the context for the proposed work and highlight the interconnected nature of the activities. Her intervention was followed by presentations of work packages and discussions by all consortium members. The aim of the meeting was to give partners a deeper understanding of the project’s objectives and interconnections and to ensure a successful launch and a quick start in the first year.

Find out more about RESISTIRÉ on the website