To what extent have COVID-19 policies impacted gendered inequalities in Europe? How have women, vulnerable groups, and society in general responded to these inequalities? The first phase of the RESISTIRÉ project cycle aims to provide answers to these questions.
The team is currently implementing the research activities planned under the first cycle, organised into three main activities running in parallel and feeding results into the next project step. The three main activities are:

1) Mapping national policies to counter COVID-19
The objective of RESISTIRÉ is to understand where and how the policy responses have hurt women and other vulnerable groups, and to identify promising and inspiring practices stemming from civil society to mitigate these adverse effects.

2) Measuring the negative impact of COVID-19 policies on inequalities
Another main objective of the project is gathering measurable evidence on the economic, social, and environmental impact of COVID-19 policies. This step begins with the analysis and comparison of existing Rapid Assessment Surveys (RAS) available for the 31 European countries included in the project.

3) Collecting individual experiences of inequality
Gaining truly in-depth insight by gathering personal experiences will be key to developing a full picture of the inequalities stemming from COVID-19 policies. RESISTIRÉ is collecting this qualitative evidence through workshops, interviews, and the collection of personal narratives.

The research results of the first project cycle will soon be available on the official website by October 2021.

To learn more about the project methodology, click here