“The future within reach of the territory. Responsible research and innovation as a model for territorial innovation”, is the title of the event held online on 25 January 2022, at the end of the experimentation carried out in Emilia-Romagna, within the TeRRItoria project and coordinated by ART-ER. During the event, the results achieved by the experimentation were presented and discussed. This was focused on the inclusion of RRI in the Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027 of the Region, on the participatory preparation of operational guidelines, on the definition of a call for proposals in the health sector and on the implementation of Future Thinking and Anticipation activities. The event was also an opportunity to reflect on the continuation of activities beyond the end of the TeRRItoria project. Speakers (Kristian Mancinone, Giorgio Moretti, Cecilia Maini, Marina Silverii – ART-ER; Morena Diazzi – Regione Emilia-Romagna; Daniele Mezzana – K&I). Mezzana presented a contribution on “The Territorial RRI approach: characteristics and potentialities”, illustrating some theoretical elements and practical experiences, on the basis of the mapping work carried out within the project.