The first meeting of the Steering Committee of the Step Change project was held online on 10 and 11 November, 2021. The meeting aimed to take stock of the situation of the different work packages in the context of the final phase of the planning of Citizen Science (CSIs) initiatives. On behalf of K&I, Luciano d’Andrea, Claudia Colonnello, and Fabio Feudo were present at the meeting. During the Steering Committee Meeting, Luciano d’Andrea presented the activities carried out in the context of WP8 (Participatory Evaluation), of which K&I is the leader. Currently, the preparation of the Evaluation Framework is being completed, in collaboration with the University of Aarhus, and the Customization Workshops are being organized, to be held between December and January, aimed at adapting the Evaluation Framework to the characteristics of the individual CSIs.