To conclude the assessment of existing certification/award schemes for gender equality for Research Performing Organizations, making the object of WP4, and moving forward the design of scenarios for establishing a European award/certification system, which is the purpose of WP5, an internal online workshop with the CASPER consortium partners took place on October 21 and 22, 2020. Representatives of the EC DG RTD Gender Sector also attended the initiative.
This activity was part of task 4.3, devoted to distil key prerequisites for an effective award/certification system and was hinged on the results of the previous actions of review and assessment of similar schemes Europe-wide and worldwide. The dimensions analysed related to the architecture and process of a certification system, as, for example, its connection with quality assurance and research ranking, evaluation and support procedures, fund raising, timing and modularity in implementation.
During the workshop, relevant insights for scenario development were identified.
The workshop was also an occasion to test some participatory tools and exercises to be subsequently used in the co-creation workshops with stakeholders to develop “system scenarios” planned in January and February 2021.