During the preparation stage of the pilots in Murcia (Spain), Orebro (Sweden), and Cyprus, in November 2020, the local teams promoted (with the K&I support) the implementation of Training workshops, aimed at preparing the local system of territorial stakeholders, at engaging them actively in the regional pilots and at promoting the establishment of possible territorial coalitions on “Responsible and Open Innovation” in health. In each region, the design of the Training workshops was adapted accordingly to local habits and organisational needs. In Murcia, the training workshop was implemented through three virtual sessions: on October 28th, on November 4th, on December 1st, 2020. Within this last session, based on a contribution from Rosina Malagrida (Head of the Irsi-Caixa Living Lab on Health and Advisor of the CHERRIES project), a specific reflection was promoted around RRI and System Thinking for the management of complexity in health. In Orebro, after the implementation of a series of in-presence territorial events for the dissemination of the Call for needs, a virtual training workshop on RRI in health was held on November 19th. The meeting was aimed at establishing connections among different key actors of the regional innovation systems (smart specialisation community, social innovation partnership, etc.) and other relevant social actors. Claudia Colonnello (K&I) contributed to triggering a conversation around responsible innovation in health in the framework of the territorial experimentation in Orebro and more in general within the CHERRIES project. An interactive break-out session ended the training workshop, providing useful feedbacks and indications to the regional team. In Cyprus, training and dialogue/reflection activities on RRI in health were initiated, in parallel with the spread of the “Call for needs”, through the implementation of bilateral meetings or with specific stakeholders groups, while the arrangement of a training session on RRI in health will be probably arranged during the first months of 2021.