On the 27th and 28th of November 2019 a Workshop on “Territorial RRI” took place in Bologna, at the ART-ER headquarters, within the framework of the TeRRItoria project. On the basis of the results of the mapping activity (D.3.3 Map of Policies, Approaches and tools for Territorial RRI), conducted during the first 10 months of the project the Workshop was meant to launch a discussion on the definition of territorial RRI and its possible applications for the co-DESIGN of the five local experiments foreseen by the project. The workshop was structured in two parts: the first day was dedicated to reflecting on and discussing the concept of Territorial RRI as it was formulated in the mapping exercise, and how it can be used in practice. The second day of the workshop, on the basis of the results of the first day and of the previous mapping exercise, was focused on a brainstorming on the five local experiments, aimed at fin- tuning and better defining them. The workshop results are presented in a Working paper, delivered at the end of December (Deliverable D4.1).
In the afternoon of November 28 and the morning of November 29 the TeRRItoria Project Partners Meeting was held to take stock of the activities carried out in the first ten months.