In the framework of the TeRRItoria project, a mapping process of the five ”territorial milieus” has been implemented between June and November 2019 in the areas where the five transformative experiments will be carried out from August 2020 onward. The experiments will take place in the Region of Central Macedonia (Greece); Region of Emilia- Romagna (Italy); Region of Trøndelag (Norway); Region of North-East (Romania); and Municipality of Gabrovo (Bulgaria). For each concerned area, information and documents have been collected on actors, policies, obstacles, facilitating factors and innovative practices which are relevant for conducting the experiments. K&I, in cooperation with ART-ER, implemented the mapping in the Emilia-Romagna Region in view of the experimentation to be conducted there which will concern the areas of education/training and public engagement, especially in the health industry and creative and cultural industry, addressing those actors not usually involved in the definition of the Smart Specialization Strategy, such as associations, Third sector, and local authorities. The outcomes of this mapping exercise are collected in a document prepared by ARC FUND (Bulgaria).