The SMARTEES Kick-Off Meeting (KoM) took place in Brussels on May 23 and 24 2018. The meeting, chaired by the SMARTEES coordinator Christian Klockner, has been mainly devoted to the Project’s General Assembly, with the participation of all the partners and the representatives of the “cases” considered by the Project. The final half-day of the meeting was devoted to the first Steering Committee, with the participation of the Work Packages leaders.
Getting a common understanding of the general SMARTEES work-plan and specifically of the tasks foreseen in the first year, of the interdependencies between the WPs, as well as of the SMARTEES “cases” (Aberdeen, Zürich, Groningen, Samsø, Stockholm, Malmø, Timisoara, Barcelona, Vitoria Gasteiz, El Hierro) were the main aims of the KoM.
During the meeting, Fabio Feudo shortly introduced “Knowledge and Innovation” while Giovanni Caiati presented of the WP3 (led by K&I) on “Clusters of Case Studies of social innovation”.