Claudia Colonnello
is a social researcher with a long experience in the interdisciplinary study of contemporary social phenomena from a responsible research and innovation and gender perspectives, in the sociological analysis of the relations between security and privacy in the context of surveillance, in the investigation of the process of socialisation of scientific and technological research and of the raising of scientific citizenship. She is also an expert in planning, implementation and evaluation of training and adult education activities. She has experience in networking and public communication activities, team management and human resources mobilisation for non-profit organisation and in design of family-friendly services/policies to support women’s careers and reconciliation of work and family/personal life of women and men.
Over the last 20 years she has been working and directed numerous integrated research, training, technical assistance, public communication and networking projects in both Italy and Europe, as well as at international level. These projects, funded by European Union, the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Latium Region, were focusing on: gender issues connected to skilled migrations, conflict resolution, decision-making and leadership, work-life balance, enterprise creation, development, politics; social integration and constructive return processes for skilled migrants; knowledge management to strengthen and expand the non-profit sector and social innovation; diversity management and enterprise creation for valorisation of people with high cognitive capital at risk of exclusion.
In particular, since 2008, he has participated in the realization of several European projects FP6, FP7 and H2020, concerning:
• Gender, science and technology (Projects: PRAGES-Practising Gender Equality in Science; STAGES-Structural Transformation to achieve Gender Equality in Science; WHIST-Women’s careers hitting the target: gender management in scientific and technological research; TWIST-Towards Women in Science and Technology);
• Societal impact assessment, social acceptability and “closure” of new surveillance technologies for security purposes (Projects: MAPPING-Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance; SMART-Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technologies; RESPECT-Rules, Expectations and Security through Privacy Enhanced Convenient Technologies; SIIP-Speaker Identification Integrated Project; CITYCOP-Citizen Interaction Technologies Yeld Community Policing);
• Structural change to attain RRI in research, performing and funding organisations (Projects: STARBIOS2-Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences; GRACE-Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Changes in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations) ;
• Quadruple helix collaborations for research and innovation with and for society (Project: RiCONFIGURE-Reconfiguring Research and Innovation Constellations).
During 2013-2017 she was member of the working group on “Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects” of the SERIT (Security Research in Italy) Platform, a joint initiative launched by CNR and Finmeccanica, brings together Italian industries, academia, research centers and end-users, in order to promote and develop a National Research Agenda to drive the future technological developments, while answering to the identified National Security needs.
At the moment she is actually involved in research, training, monitoring and evaluation activities assigned to K&I team within the following three H2020 Projects:
• CHERRIES – Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies), focused on “territorial RRI” and on demand-driven and co-creation approach in health (K&I team responsible);
• MINDtheGEPs – Modifying Institutions by developing Gender Equality Plans), aimed at reducing gender imbalances in European research institutions and generating data to support the development of national and European policy for gender equality in research performing organisations (K&I team member);
• STEP CHANGE – Science Transformation and EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch) focused on citizens science initiatives in the scientific areas of Energy, Environment, Health and Infectious Diseases (K&I team member).
Her publications include:
• Giovanetti M, Alcantara LCJ, Barreto FK, Colonnello C., et al. (2021) Promoting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) During Brazilian Activities of Genomic and Epidemiological Surveillance of Arboviruses. Front. Public Health 9:693743. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.693743 (Open access): frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2021.693743/full
• Colonnello C., Berliri M., (2021), “RRI and Experiment Toolbox. Toward Responsible Healthcare Ecosystems”. H2020 CHERRIES project, D3.1:
• Caiati, G., & Colonnello, C. (2019). Note #13: Technical Assistance in the STARBIOS2 project, In A. Declich (Ed.), RRI implementation in bioscience organisations: Guidelines from the STARBIOS2 project, (pp. 188-191). Uppsala University. ISBN: 978-91-506-2811-1
• Colizzi V., Mezzana D., Ovseiko P.V., Colonnello C., et al., “Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences (STARBIOS2): Protocol for a Horizon 2020 Funded European Multicenter Project to Promote Responsible Research and Innovation” JMIR Res Protoc 2019;8(3):e11745; DOI: 10.2196/11745; PMID: 30843870; PMCID: 6427101, researchprotocols.org/2019/3/e11745
• Colonnello C., (2017), “Report on citizens’ perceptions and attitudes to speaker identification technologies. Checklist of issues for orienting further developments of voice recognition technologies”, FP7th SIIP Project, D2.7
• Colonnello C., (2016), “Report and bibliography on Societal aspects of existing voice biometric sensors. Report on societal impact of Speaker Identification Technologies: past, present and future”, FP7th SIIP Project, D2.3
• Colonnello C., Marta F.L. (2014), “Map of the present and incipient social dangers related to the development and spreading of surveillance socio-technical systems”, FP7th RESPECT Project, D13.1
• Colonnello C., Cacace M., Olmi A. (2011), “Guidelines for Communication activities on women and science to be implemented by science centres and museums”, TWIST project: asdo-info.org/public/TWIST_GuidelinesReport.pdf
• Colonnello C., Cancedda A., (2004), “Equality at a turning point, Reconciling family life and working experience, Guidelines”, Project Women Career Family Friendly: reinforcing and reproducing good practices of reconciliation between Family life and Qualified Women Work in three Eu Countries