The kick-off meeting of RIPEET project was held online from 24 to 26 February 2021. The coordinator of the project Gorazd Weiss (ZSI) welcomed the representatives of the EC and REA and project partners and outlined the project aims and set-up. The meeting continued with short presentations of RIPEET partners and their teams. Then, Wolfgang Haider (ZSI) presented the project objectives, his structure, the expected impacts, the theoretical foundations as well as the policy relevance of the foreseen outputs. Later, Linden Farrar, Policy Officer from the EC gave a presentation about the policy context and the position of RIPEET in the wider framework of SwafS projects; and Cristina Marcone, Project Advisor at the REA, introduced the administrative aspects of project implementation. These presentations were followed (on the same day and in the following two days) by work package presentations from all WP leaders and discussions with project partners. On the third day, three Advisory Board members (Julia Wittmayer from DRIFT, Susana Borrás from the Copenhagen Business School, and Enrique Romero-Cadaval from the University of Extremadura) joined the session.
The meeting aimed to give all partners a deeper understanding of the project’s objectives and contents, and the interconnections among its components to ensure a successful launch and swift start in the productive first year.