A paper titled “SME’s, energy efficiency, innovation: a reflection on materials and energy transition emerging from a research on SMEs and the practice of energy audit”, published
in the journal “Materiaux et techniques”, has received in May 2021 the Jean Sébastien Thomas Award, which each year is rewarded to the best article submitted at Society And Materials International Conference. This paper, written by Andrea Declich, Gabriele Quinti, and Paolo Signore, is based on the results emerging from a study carried out by K&I, in the frame of the INNOVEAS project, on the non-economic factors that facilitate or prevent the adoption of Energy Efficiency Measures by SMEs. 
This paper is available here

In the afternoon, Rosa Arias and Nora Salas Seoane (Science for Change) presented the Work Package (WP) 1, aimed at activating the co-design process of the CSIs in the first phase of the project. In the second day, Rosa Arias brought to the attention some key theoretical and methodological issues related to the development of Citizen Science. Then, the focus shifted on the other WPs of the project, i.e., WP7 (Mutual Learning and training), led by ZSI; WP8 (Participatory evaluation), led by K&I; WP9 (Stocktaking process), led by ECSA; WP10 (Communication and dissemination), led by EUSEA; and WP11 (Management), led by the University of Primorska.